Youth Counselling
Our children start forming their beliefs starting from 0 to approximately 12 years old. This is a very critical part in their life as they absorb everything that goes on around them and start developing a belief system according to what they see, feel, hear, and interpret in their growing mind. They attach to at least one primary caregiver or parent to find their step in life. As they become an adolescent, they stop attaching as much to the caregivers or parents and look for that same stability in their social circle. So much can threaten a child’s step while in our nest and so much can threaten a youth’s stride upon leaving the nest. Even if we do everything as prescribed by life for a successful and secure attachment style while they are in our care, when they become adolescents, all this hard work can be undone from their new found environments they are exposed to. From body image, to bullying, to the internet, to social media, to different combinations of homelife possibilities and so on. When our children and youth get hurt, they do not stop loving those that hurt them, but rather they stop loving themselves. How can we help our children and youth find that love again? How can we help our children and youth start seeing themselves in a positive way again? And build positive neuron synapses that last a lifetime leading to a different physiological effect? We can help process and heal what is impacting behaviour and help reestablish primary developments such as personal identity and acceptance. As a parent myself to two young children, this topic lies very near and dear to my heart and I hope to share the knowledge acquired through my training and see others benefit from what is available to us for our children and youth.